
A cataract is a clouding of the natural crystalline lens inside your eye which leads to a decrease in vision. It is common and can happen at any age, but is more common the older you get. Cataract surgery is performed to replace the cataract with a new clear intra-ocular lens implant.

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The natural crystalline lens of the eye is a transparent structure which lies just behind your pupil. This lens is responsible for focussing light on your retina and allowing things to be seen clearly. With time, the lens of the eye becomes clouded, and this is known as a cataract. The cataract may be worse in one eye at first, but usually both eyes are affected, depending on the cause. It results in a gradual decrease in vision but sometimes other symptoms such as glare and double vision can occur.


The most common cause of cataract is aging, and in all people, the lens usually develops cataract-like changes from your 50s or 60s onwards. There are other causes such as diabetes,

The most common problem you may experience is a gradual blurring of your
vision. With some Cataracts, your reading vision can improve temporarily, so that reading glasses are no longer required. Some patients experience other problems such as glare or double vision.

How to treat Cataracts

The treatment of cataract is with an operation. The cataract is removed using ultrasonic technology and replaced with an artificial lens implant, known as an intra-ocular lens (IOL). There are different IOL types which Mr. Neffendorf will discuss with you

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