General and Emergency Eye Care

Mr. Neffendorf looks after patients with general eye problems such as dry eye and glaucoma. He is also experienced at managing emergency eye problems such as red eye, painful eye, and loss of vision. He co-leads the Emergency Eye Service as part of his NHS role at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - one of the UKs largest hospitals, and one of only 4 London Major Trauma Centres.

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The eye is an exceptionally complex structure, that can be considered like a camera. In order for it to function properly, and allow us to see, all the parts need to be working efficiently. It is therefore important to have regularly eye checks to identify any problems early and manage them appropriately.

Mr. Neffendorf has been highly trained in all areas of ophthalmology and able to look after patients with most ophthalmic conditions. He has a network of colleagues who have subspecialty interest in certain areas that he refers patients to if more advanced subspecialty complex care or surgery is required.

Eye Conditions and Investigations

Emergency Eye Care

Enquire about General and Emergency Eye Care